Wanderer Cantos

Wanderer Cantos

Wanderer Cantos


It is always a delight to read a work by Remi Raji. Master craftsman, with a unique gift for the magical feel of tone and trope, word and cadence, melody and meaning, Raji has certainly established himself now as one of our finest poets. This new collection from his stable does not disappoint. Plucked out of poet’s numerous journeys through different lands and diverse encounters, and of his triumph over the trauma of a raging epidemic, the songs of Wanderer Cantos celebrate and re-affirm the eloquent and indomitable essence of our human spirit.” 

—Okinba Launko [Femi Osofisan], poet- playwright and essayist, winner of the Fonlon-Nicholas Prize, 2006 and the Thalia Prize, 2006

Author: Remi Raji

Extent: 102 pages

ISBN: 978-978-58746-5-5

Dimension: 5.5” x 8.5” Paperback

Publication Date: November 2021


“It is always a delight to read a work by Remi Raji. Master craftsman, with a unique gift for the magical feel of tone and trope, word and cadence, melody and meaning, Raji has certainly established himself now as one of our finest poets. This new collection from his stable does not disappoint. Plucked out of poet’s numerous journeys through different lands and diverse encounters, and of his triumph over the trauma of a raging epidemic, the songs of Wanderer Cantos celebrate and re-affirm the eloquent and indomitable essence of our human spirit.” 

—Okinba Launko [Femi Osofisan], poet- playwright and essayist, winner of the Fonlon-Nicholas Prize, 2006 and the Thalia Prize, 2006


“The poetic eloquence and social tenor, the intimate tone and tender rhythm make Wanderer Cantos a significant booster to a Rajian aesthetics long marked by heightened sensitivity to the contradictions of life. As in his earlier collections, Wanderer Cantos marries the public and the private in measured craft that renders poetry more human than we ever thought.

—Emman Egya Sule, author of What the Sea Told Me, 2009 winner of ANA/Gabriel Okara Prize. 


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