A Woman has Many Names


How many names does a woman bear? a woman has many names is a voice to women, and all others who care to listen. It is a finely-knitted thread of poems that focus on issues some women are too scared to share. The poems allay their fears by turning their reverberating sobs into reinvigorating songs while equally reassuring them of their innate abilities to triumph over travails.

Author: Karimot Olabisi Odebode

Extent: 154 pages

ISBN: 978-978-58760-3-1

Dimension: 5.5” x 8.5” Hardcover

Publication Date: February 2022


How many names does a woman bear? a woman has many names is a voice to women, and all others who care to listen. It is a finely-knitted thread of poems that focus on issues some women are too scared to share. The poems allay their fears by turning their reverberating sobs into reinvigorating songs while equally reassuring them of their innate abilities to triumph over travails.

The poet deploys her craft in the service of humanity by celebrating and championing the cause of the downtrodden whose essence are perennially punctured. She also deftly navigates other issues such as nationhood, inept governance and the universal subjects of love, hope, persistence and self-worth.

Every poem in this collection is a name thirsting for sunlight—an undying essence embodying beauty, courage and strength in ways that enliven our world. Ultimately, the poems present a broad range of answers to the question, does a woman have many names?


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